Workforce Solutions for Public-Sector Employers

Amid economic uncertainty and a persistently tight labor market, public-sector employers like state and local government agencies often find themselves at a disadvantage in their attempts to close the talent gap and compete with their private-sector counterparts.  

Public-sector employers face a number of unique workforce development challenges:

Powered by the experience and nationwide presence of DeVry University, DeVryWorks partners with operational and HR leaders to develop custom-tailored learning pathways in information technology and security, operations and supply chain management, accounting and finance, and team leadership the list keeps going. We can develop the right workforce upskilling solutions, when and where they’re needed, to help public-sector employers close the talent gap, level the playing field with the private sector and meet the challenges of today’s evolving technological environment.

Talent Acquisition: The Solutions You Need Here And Now

Acquiring the right talent to fill existing and predicted demand can be a particularly challenging aspect of workforce development for public sector employers. Expanded budgets and new laws can create new positions and the need to hire for them, but the realities of competing with the private sector remain. An insufficient number of qualified applicants can lead to the need to re-open recruitments, further extending an often-lengthy time to hire.

We have decades of experience in digital-first education and an extensive student and alumni network of diverse and digitally-fluent talent, making us uniquely qualified to support your talent acquisition needs . Our degree and certificate programs are scheduled in 6 academic sessions per year, producing  graduates and skilled workers quickly. Our national presence may offer connections with  state and local government employers with skilled, work-ready talent where they are needed most.

The rich diversity of the DeVry student and alumni population can also help you to build and maintain a diverse workforce and meet your DEI objectives.  

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Skilling Solutions: Learning Pathways To Close Gaps And Meet Future Demands

The public sector is certainly not immune to the effects of the growing employee skills gap – the difference between existing competencies and the skills that will be required to meet the future demands of emerging technologies.

At DeVryWorks, we see these gaps as opportunities to develop upskilling and reskilling programs with customized learning pathways to help your people thrive:

  • Upskilling along strategic learning pathways can fill the gaps and keep your employee development plans on track. 

  • Reskilling can provide the knowledge employees need to move into a different department or function, filling those gaps and giving you the agility to respond to the demands of new legislative mandates, laws or budgets. 

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two people smiling outside

Economic And Workforce Development Solutions

If you’re a part of an economic and workforce development agency we can help you align the skills the businesses in your communities need through our upskilling programs. In this way we can help organizations attract talent to jobs that drive economic growth. We can help develop learning pathways to elevate underrepresented talent, lifting up the chronically underemployed and helping to make them job-ready. All while leveraging the financial incentive programs you have at your disposal and the tuition benefits of local businesses.

10Kx25: Helping 10,000 Diverse Workers Move Into Tech Jobs By 2025

At DeVry University, we’re committed to connecting talent from underrepresented groups to technology roles. Our goal is to help  10,000 new tech talents get placed in jobs by 2025. We call this bold initiative 10Kx25 and we’d like you to join us. 

Partner With DeVryWorks To Attract and Educate The Diverse, Skilled Workforce You Need

Whether to meet the demands of new public policy mandates or face the unrelenting challenges of today’s evolving technology landscape, DeVryWorks can help you attract new hires and educate the workforce you need. By uncovering new funding sources and configuring customized learning pathways, our consultants can show you how to elevate underutilized talent, close the tech talent gap and create a diverse, skilled 21st-century workforce. 

1 State and Local Workforce 2023 Survey Findings, Mission Square Research Institute, Public Sector HR Association and NASPE, June 2023.