Discussions about upskilling or reskilling can take place during any one-on-one meeting or performance review. Another approach is to clearly separate this engagement from the performance evaluation context, which may offer the chance to take a fresh approach to the conversation.
How to get the conversation started? Begin by asking team members for feedback. In one-on-one discussions, ask them questions like these:
• What skills or trainings would help you become more productive or improve your efficiency on the job?
• Can you identify any technologies or programs that would improve our operations?
• Are there any new skills or areas of knowledge you’re interested in developing?
From there, you can transition into a discussion about the skills you know are going to be in demand and how each team member’s existing skills can be built upon to fill gaps.
Upskilling programs and the curated learning pathways within should be discussed in the context of your company’s tuition benefits program. It’s important for team members to realize how valuable these benefits can be, and how they can be leveraged to develop new skills while taking on very little debt or, in some cases, no debt at all.