5 Expert Tips for Effective Organizational Change

Leading organizational transformation effectively can greatly improve adoption and have incredible impacts on your teams. With the right perspective and a solid plan, you could be on the verge of something influential. Use the tips below to set your organization up for success.

01. Empower Your People

The individual team members are the ones who shoulder the change, so empower them through proper communication, support and guidance. Ensure that everyone clearly understands the initiative and what role they play in the transformation.

One way to offer long-term guidance and support is by appointing 'influencers.' These individuals lead their teams during the process, setting the example of how to incorporate the changes. They can also report any unforeseen issues back to their managers or executives, advocating for quick solutions and a more streamlined process.

02. Set Actionable Short and Long-Term Goals

Focusing only on long-term goals can make progress difficult. Establish weekly or monthly goals to roadmap progress and celebrate small wins, as this can help keep up the momentum towards the final steps. Make the goals tangible by giving team members specific actionable tasks. According to McKinsey research1, the more actions — or goals — a company implements, the higher the success rate for organizational change. Aim for at least 20 actions throughout the implementation phase of the transformation. 

03. Discuss Progress in Regular Performance Reviews and Briefings

Transformation requires discipline and observation. Keep track of each team's progress with regular updates and feedback, and be transparent about the organization's progress. If you already have scheduled performance reviews, incorporate their goals and feedback related to the transformation into those reviews and touchpoints.

Address the organizational changes and overall progress in all executive, team and individual meetings. In fact, the more a company embeds the changes into typical meetings, briefings and performance reviews, the more likely it is to succeed. Include practical ways individuals across the organization can positively contribute to the transformation.

04. Start Small, Then Expand

Jumping right into organization-wide change can be overwhelming. People may not fully understand how the transformation affects their daily responsibilities, and it will likely take some time to streamline the new processes.

However, starting with small group initiatives simplifies managing feedback, problems and suggestions. Dedicate a few weeks to a trial phase so you can perfect the process before implementing it across the company.

05. Don't Stop at the Small Victories

When companies experience success with small, immediate changes and improvements, they may be tempted to stop the organizational change process early. Don't settle, since persevering can produce a much more impressive transformation.

One way to keep pushing for maximum value is to set stretch goals. This focus can encourage team members and managers alike to prioritize the transformation and work towards faster results. You can expect to see about 25% of the change's overall value within six months of implementation. By 18 months, you can expect to see about 58% of the overall value.2

Take your organization to the next level with these tips for effective change leadership and keep pushing toward the end goal of maximum operational and financial results.